For our last class, Ryan flew out here and took us to the Valley of Elah to study 1 Samuel 17 where David fought Goliath, and to En Gedi to see the caves and waterfalls where David hid from Saul. This class was such a blessing because as we studied through 1 and 2 Samuel in the mornings, the afternoons we would break off individually and study some of the Psalms David wrote and come back together and discuss it.
For our last paper of the semester, we did a study on Psalm 139. It was such a blessing to study the Psalms and to understand more of why David was called a man after God's own heart... He was a man not after his own glory or fame, but a man whose passion was to bring glory to the Lord. Even after hiding out from Saul who wanted to kill him, waiting years to be king, standing face to face with a giant, seeing the depth of the separation of his own sin, and seeing the effect of sin in his family, David's heart was shown to be a man who intimately knew the Lord and knew the ways He thought of him. He knew was it meant to be forgiven and what it meant to stand int he victory that was declared to him. It has been a theme this semester... when I know how much God loves me and how He thinks of me, I too desire to bring Him glory because He is Holy! In His word is where we find that victory that He as promised. He promises to never leave or forsake us. Stand on the promises of His word... seek them out and make them your own!
"How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you." Psalm 139: 17,18
God's crazy about you.. and He doesn't ever stop thinking good thoughts about you! Oh wow!
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