Friday, September 3, 2010

Fall 2010 Semester begins!

Students are here, the campus is filled and classes are in full motion. It has been so sweet getting to see friends from previous semesters and see a fresh variety of returning students and first semester students. Michelle, a dear friend from our first semester together in Peru is attending her last semester here for graduation! So sweet that we have been able to start together in Peru and finish together in Murrieta. I'm on my fifth ( or.. forth and a quarter) semester taking Acts, History of Redemption/Theology, and Intern class, finishing up on the classes I couldn't take while in Israel while beginning an internship under the dean of women. It has been such a blessing to be back on campus and be able to experience another semester here at Murrieta. I will miss Israel this semester, but such a blessing to be near Andrew's and my family to be able to see them often. This weekend my dad and brother will be driving down to visit and be able to have time away to relax. I'm so excited to see them and to have them get to experience the Murrieta Bible College experience! :)

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