Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday... GREAT FRIDAY

Tonight at the worship service, God spoke to my heart. I could imagine singing to my savior and standing beneath his cross with the image much like this picture shows. I imagined a look of compassion on his face and shame in mine seeing my past, present, and future sin holding him to the cross. It makes sense why some people may be confused why we call this day "Good Friday" from just this picture alone making it hard to see this as anything good. But tonight we were reminded of what happened on that cross... we received justification as God took on flesh through Jesus and became our substitue so sin could be paid for and righteousness could be departed on us. Righteousness! SO crazy that God see us as righteous because of the blood of his son that covers us! Then on that day at the cross we received reconciliation. All of the junk between us and God has been removed setting us free so that we can stand in Him. We no longer need to find approval from this world, because we are approved by Jesus! Propitiation... God's satisfaction on our behalf. Because of our sin we feel we should be punished, but God through Jesus tells us that we are not what we have done or what people have said...  we are forgiven! And finally, regeneration. We are a new creation in Christ! Our old is gone, and there is death to the flesh! There is now a hope for change and a power to overcome! Through our faith in what Jesus did, we can be made brand new, and God will continue to make us new over and over again! So we can rejoice in this day on the cross and the death of our savior... because His death gave us life eternally with Christ and a relationship with God! We can have hope! We can see the big picture... we celebrate His death today, because we rejoice in His reserection on Sunday! Not only is this day good, but it is GREAT FRIDAY!