Monday, July 27, 2009

Haiti Day 4

Each morning I woke up at 5:30 wide awake and ready to start the day. Most people would sleep until breakfast, but the Haitians would be awake at 4 to get work done while it was still cool. This day I woke up early and play "Big Booty" with the little girls (it's like a game of signs to move up to the kings seat.. or Big Booties seat). After breakfast we all piled in the back of the truck to head over to the church where some of the translators spoke as well as JeanJean. They spoke on James 5:7-12 on patience. We sang Mighty to Save for the congregation and then after went back to the compound until we had the next service at the worship center down the street. After that service a lot of the Americans stayed and hung out with the younger Haitians and practiced English with them and got to learn about their families. We all went over to the soccer field and some played, others did jumprope and frisbee and volleyball. Sunday is considered the sabbath day so we just hung out and played games with the kids and fellowshipped over dinner and late night conversations after devotions that night.

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