Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 11

Having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will. Ephesians 1:5
As you meditate on this verse today, keep in mind where this is going; the end of the story is the wedding feast of the Lamb, and you are the Bride! This amazing plan of God from before creation was to bring created people into the eternal family that is called "the Godhead." He purposed in His own heart that you and I would be included in this family, giving His own Son as the one who would accomplish this task by the sacrifice of His own life.
Here's what I want you to focus on today: this was motivated by the good pleasure of His will. The motivating factor in God's decision to include you is good pleasure, or simply, joy. He chose you because your presence in His family gives Him pleasure and joy. The eternal Father has known from eternity that you would be a perfect partner for His Son, and that as He brought you to Himself, His power and love would provide everything you need to fulfill all His desires for you. Your real Father is God, and He is a good Father. He will accomplish all that is needed to present you as a flawless partner for Jesus on the day of His great gladness- the day we all together become His Bride forever!
Prayer: Oh Lord, my heart is overflowing as I consider the astonishing things that You have for me as part of the Bride of Christ. Please help me understand this, and settle my heart in the wondrous truth of Your affections and purpose for my life. I love You, Lord, and I want to know You more.
Day 11 devotional "Forerunner Meditations: Discovering the Father's heart" by Gary Wiens

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